Taseerah app is committed to protecting the privacy of its users, and this is done by collecting personal information according to the laws and regulations applicable in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
Users must agree to the privacy policy and its future modifications before using the app. Users should also not disclose any personal information to any third party.
The responsibility of Taseerah app is to provide a safe and secure environment for its users, and the personal data collected by the app is considered strictly confidential and will not be disclosed without explicit consent from the user.
The privacy policy is provided in an easy-to-understand and detailed manner, explaining in detail the data collection, use, and disposal policy, as well as identifying the information that the app can collect and the information that is collected automatically. The policy also explains how to protect this information and what steps users can take to protect their privacy.
Finally, it should be noted that Taseerah app is not liable for any legal or material responsibilities incurred by service providers or users, and the app is used at the user's own risk, with the user bearing full responsibility for any legal or material obligations incurred.